Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Review of "Christmas With The Kranks"

I went to go see this movie with my parents tonight. This isn't one of those exceptional movies and I knew it so don't have high expectations. My dad put it best as a "Christmas Vacation wannabe."

It is a cute movie with a cute premise. The one thing that was missing was the lack of realism. This isn't the typical "Santa is real" type of realism but more of how they were treated as a neighborhood. Perhaps it's just because I don't live in a town, but the neighborhood was really fake. If anyone sees this movie and say their neighborhood is like this, please comment. Other than that, it was a cute movie.

I'm not sure how avoiding decorations and pleasantries would save them so much money but it was to make the ending fast paced.

I commented to myself that it is a shame that my Golden Age of Movie Theatres is gone. This is the time from 1997-2002 when there was good reason to go to the theatres. Now, it seems there's one good movie for a while and then nothing. I was happy to see a huge Fantastic 4 display at the Fremont theatre, though.

I typically reserve 1-5 for disliked movies and 6-10 for liked movies. This was enjoyable, but not the best holiday movie ever.

My Rating: out of 10
DVD Worthy: It would make a nice, cheap holiday movie sometime.

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