Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Petition #2

Petition #1: Stop the people saying racist comments using Xbox Live Communicators
Petition #2: Stop the people who continually "hump" and team-kill players via harassment.

First of all, I've already said my opinions on Petiton #1: I strongly don't agree with the things said, but they are constitutionally protected to say it. They're saying these things over a private area network, not a public one. To hear these things someone needs an Xbox and a connection to the WSC network, which is not public. It is up to WSC to decide what should be allowed, but they are owned by the state government which must adhere to the Bill of Rights. They're only abusing the network, not the part that uses the Internet. It's a shame they're connected. I would be satisfied with a formal, public apology unless they want to fight it as the guys who want to say the n-word more.

In my honest opinion, the second one is a slap in the face. It is totally unjustified. It is not appropriate (see Biskuit's Halo 2 Etiquette) but it is not enough to pull them from the network. It's time to realize something: We're adults now. Yeah, shocking! If you want to complain to Teacher everytime someone calls you a name, go back to first grade. In college, if someone insults you, ignore it. Be the bigger man. As for team-killing: change teams! Are you worried about losing your negative points? If they change again, is it worth playing in that game? That, or boot them and turn on party privacy. If it will be a long game, they won't have the patience to wait for it to end. Another thing, the people signing this one do it too! "Hehe, it's fun!"

Personally, the humping doesn't bother me. I don't let it bother me. Verbal non-extreme-offensive atagonism don't bother me. They can talk the whole time about who they're killing if they want to.

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