Thursday, May 05, 2005

Summer Plans

I'm almost done! I have to take my Sped final which shouldn't be too hard. Then I pack up the computer, take out the trash, take photos of my empty, echoing room, get checked out, and I'm gone. I have my Sunfire filled to the brim with stuff to take home (photos to follow soon) That will be a fun 1½ hour drive.

Well next week I'll be working from like morning until 5. I'll have time from 6-6:30 on and I'll have weekends off. If anyone wants to get a hold of me for some reason, here's when I'll be available. I'll try to keep blogging so you all can keep wasting time with Jimmy. I might be getting a cell this summer, not sure yet so we'll see.

Hope everyone has an awesome summer and go see Star Wars starting May 19. (If anyone is in the Omaha area and wants to go to the midnight showing at Oakview, let me know sometime, I may be able to hook you up)

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