Sunday, January 23, 2005

Me A-Z

  1. Accent: I guess a have a midwestern accent, but I can't tell
  2. Breast size: You first, I'm self-conscious
  3. Chore you hate: putting me to work when I visit
  4. Dad's name: Mike
  5. Essential make-up item: Hehe...Axe
  6. Favorite perfume/cologne: Hehe...Axe
  7. Gold or silver: I love goooold!
  8. Hometown: Mead, Nebraska
  9. Insomnia: It takes a lot to make me sleep
  10. Job title: Student, hopefully teacher in time
  11. Kids: None, yet...
  12. Living arrangements: Single room in Morey Hall
  13. Mum's birthplace: Shenandoah, Iowa
  14. Number of apples you've eaten: Like, one?
  15. Overnight hospital stays: As Rhea said, when I was born
  16. Phobia: Things that come out of nowhere
  17. Question you'd like answered: What am I going to put for this one?
  18. Religious affiliation: Christian, Southern Baptist
  19. Siblings: 1
  20. Time you wake up: 8:15 on most days
  21. Unnatural hair colors you've worn: I tried some spray black color crap one Halloween
  22. Vegetable you refuse to eat: Eggplant...two words that do not need to be connected
  23. Worst habit: I'm everywhere
  24. X-rays you've had: Teeth
  25. Yummy foods you make: Hehe...Ramen and PB&J
  26. Zodiac sign: Taurus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't even think about getting my teeth x-rayed! :)
