Monday, January 24, 2005

Don't be Battlefrontin'

OK, on Sunday I was bored and playing Battlefront and I had some fun. I was playing on Tatooine: Dune Sea as the Empire as a pilot and noticed about 50 people on their side left that I had scored a lot of kills. I do admit I was in an AT-ST, but still, if I can manage 50 or more, I consider it a good game. The final tally was 95 kills with 0 deaths as evidenced by the screenshot below. Posted by Hello

If that wasn't enough, later I played as the Republic on Tatooine: Mos Eisley and it turned into a long battle. After taking some command posts and making my typical rounds, I started to notice around the Housing that both sides were severely low on people. We just lost the Cantina when I ran over there to capture it, shot the droid, and noticed 1 vs. 3 on the scoreboard. The Workshop was flashing, telling me they're taking it. I killed the droid over there and saw another running away and got it. It's now 1 vs. 1. I have 3 command posts and the other remaining droid has 3. (By the way, they turned on Orbital Sensors so I couldn't find them at all) After moving to the next command post, I noticed that none of mine were flashing. This means, the droid was stuck somewhere. So I take the Hangar and move to the one next to it. I hear droid talk but never see anything. I start capturing it, when I notice a small brown patch. It a destroyer droid in wheel form, sitting there, not seeing me for some reason. I realize I have to kill him before he sees me and turns on his shield. I take the shots and all go in before he deploys and I win by the closest margin ever. I look at the scores and see that I have 8 command posts. That has to be a record. The screenshot shows it, barely, but trust me, it's there. Posted by Hello

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