Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Who says the darndest things?

Amie was feeling down about her roommate leaving so I decided to go over and pay a visit and play some Trivial Pursuit DVD Pop Culture. And Nicole and Patti found out so they played too.

Best questions unknown to Nicole:
Who says the darndest things? Kids!
What country is Alanis Morisette from? not Britain! Canada

We determined that we have to watch A Christmas Story, The Money Pit, and Joe's Apartment from questions and conversation. I technically one with 5 pies, but I'll give props to Patti with her 4 and answering the final question and to Amie with 3 and Nicole But anyways, now they think I'm bipolar but I was not the one throwing cheese, Rhea!

When we checked ut we got crap from f-in Luke because it was late. Amie went into her squeaky voice when he gave her a warning. The kid turned down cash, sexual favors, and the promise of breasts for bribes. Now I feel bad for making her get the warning. :(

Well, to end this post on a happy note, here is video (right-click, save as):
Nicole finding out that kids say the darndest things
Patti making noises on a giant ball

You will need QuickTime to see the movies:

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