Monday, February 28, 2005

Why do we need to learn this?

Ed was fun today. Monday's have 2 teaching episodes where students teach whatever they want. Today, a student taught us about nouns, verbs, and adjectives. After we're done we discuss it. Now, whenever someone teaches anything that's shop, art, sometimes music, and sometimes literature, Dr. Curtiss has to ask "Why do we need to learn this?" or "Who cares?" and even though he says he's trying to encourage discussion, it's rather obvious that he has little appreciation for these subjects.

Anyway, somehow we got to the topic of teaching English in every class and the row of shop kids in the back thought that they shouldn't have to assign papers in shop. Makes sense, people learn by doing. He did not like this idea. We spent a long time discussing whether shop teachers should assign writing exercises. Dr. Curtiss even said that he would not wnat those kids to be teachers if they did not assign writing in shop. After a while, people stopped caring and the discussion moved on. It was funny to hear this debate, though and it made my day.

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