Wednesday, February 23, 2005

More Site News

There was a reason why it took me 2 months to put up site news, because whenever I done, something new gets in my head.

First: New Online Status
I finally got around to removing the white pixel shadow around the images so I can have them where I intended, the sidebar. For some reason, the online status site wasn't working correctly and I was waiting for the code to appear so I can use my own images.

Second: Offsite Linking
This is something I'm happy about. Now I have my random quotes and and links/category links offsite, so I can edit them without having the redeploy the template, which takes forever. They're now on GeoCities which updates instantly so I can add to them and save time. The Links code looks like crap thanks to JavaScript, but I take what I can get.

Now: Category Revisions
Two new categories

  • Commentary - Formerly Reviews, this will be where I throw reviews and social commentary
  • Fun With Toys - Any of the pictures of inappropriately posed action figures I have posted
Finale: Button Links
At the bottom of the sidebar by the Blogger button, I have posted 3 new links in the form of the ever popular 80x15 antipixel buttons. First, I have new respect for Xanga because they let me redirect from Xanga back here. Well, some people use the subscription list as a link list but once you redirect here, you can't subscribe to my Xanga...until now. The first button is the link that lets you subscribe to my Xanga, which sends you here. The second is similar to the first where you can subscribe to my site via My Yahoo! I used to use My Yahoo! but not so much anymore, but I decided to include the option. The next one is the direct link to my RSS feed. This is for any other sites that people use that support RSS feeds. It's a Blogger setting so it never hurts to include it. I also included a matching Firefox button, 'cause y'all should be using it.

Now if you like my site a lot, seek help, then feel free to use this button:
Remember, seek help. My site's not that great, but I was bored.

Well, I think that's it. I hope I don't have to do another of these unless I really modify the template code which, using most of these changes, shouldn't happen for a while.

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