Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Remember, there is no "I" in "Team America"

Team America: World Police played in Gardner Auditorium tonight and I had to go see it. I love how you can tell certain voices are from South Park. It was a very fun thing to watch. I may have been the only one to notice on WSC that the tavern scene was a send up of the Star Wars cantina scene with similar camera shots and the same music, only backwards. I also like the retarded "Matt Damon" character.

There are three scenes that make the movie:

  1. Puppet Sex: The movie is so close to porn if it wasn't for the fact that it's puppets. Really screwed up, really funny.
  2. Large Amounts of Vomit: After leaving a bar, Gary begins to throw up, and continues to throw up, throws up some more, still throws up, and finishes it off by throwing up. Very gross, very funny.
  3. What Screws What?: I like to think I have standards, so I won't quote this scene here. It's all true in an abstract sort of way, and of course, it is very, very funny. If you want to know what they say, check out IMDb's quotes.
My Rating: 8 out of 10, it was very good, but at times the puppets were distracting, especially how they walk.
DVD-worthy: Yeah, I'll probably get it.

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