The Best Test EVER!
OK, going into this test was awesome. It's an essay test for Sped in class, that she already gave us the questions. There are 20 and we pick 15. So I already studied the crap out of them and then she comes in today and says that she's been getting calls for a fraternity all day and she needs to be in her office. Now, a common teacher would cancel the test, but that's no fun. So she has us put all of our stuff in her office and she gives us a group test. The same questions except we get to talk to each other. I love it!
Now, I know a lot of the questions already so I get done fast. This happens to much to me because I have a talent that I can write compact and quality-filled short sentences. My bane of Comp: 4 page paper due and I can only write 3 because I've ran out of stuff to write about. Anyways, I'm sitting in the class for the longest time until I just leave.
So now all of my stress is gone. I was elected ACM Secretary again for next year and I interviewed Wayne's sped teacher for Sped and I only have to talk to my FieldEx teacher now. By the way, I also have only like 5 hours left of FieldEx so that's winding down too. Whew!