Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Day Wanna Wonga

Today was fun in a way. My Blogging Paper was workshopped today (keep posting, it's not due for another week). Then I went to the gag, noticed that I forgot my ID, went to my room, then went back to the gag.

I saw an episode of Star Trek: TNG that was funny. Troi wanted to go into a room where someone was murdered and Worf said he could open the door, but only for a short time. It reminded me of something out of the 10th Kingdom or Monty Python where you can't do anything with out a catch; for example, "I will give you my axe, but only if you can guess my name" or some other crap. I laughed.

I went to History and found out I got a Frickin' A on the test. I then went to my room, then to Jester's and played and thoroughly glitched the game. I went to Sci-Fi club and got a picture of me hugging Star Wars when it came out. I went back to Jester's and watched Army of Darkness. Nothing's happening. Nothing's happening.

Mr. Beavers then put in The Empire Strikes Back. I learned something. Saying "E Chu Taa" or "Day Wonna Wanga" makes Goose laugh hysterically. The same happens when deploying the long-distance tickle. I thought that was drug addicts only.

Oh God, I'm coming down!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Oh, thank you spammer. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really want a free FlatScreen!