Thursday, October 21, 2004

Adventures in Omaha

Today was fun. I was looking for 3 action figures: Doc Ock, Super Posebale Spider-Man, and something from South Park or Halo.

I knew Spider-Man was cheap at Wal-mart. I went to Oakview area and went to Toys 'R' Us to find a Doc Ock and there was none, there wasn't even a good Star Wars one. I went into Best Buy out of boredom and saw Chris and Boldra from my graduating class. Chris said that he doesn't want to play Halo because he knows he'll get addicted to it and would therefore have to buy an Xbox. I also went to GameStop and they had nothing at all, but they did have a Master Chief statue from Halo 2 and I did notice a box that said "Halo 2...November 9...blah blah" but I noticed it said by the opening "Free, Take One" I couldn't see anything but hooks. Maybe something for the midnight party?

I then went to Crossroads. There were some action figures at Sam Goody and nothing at Suncoast. I went over to that Toys 'R' Us and found my Doc Ock. Frickin' sweet.

I went over to Westroads and Suncoast reaggranged itself. They had some Towelies and some grunts but no Master Chiefs. GameStop did. They had a lot of Battle-damaged Master Chiefs and 2 Halo 2 Master Chiefs. Sweet.

I went to Walmart and bought the Spidey then. When I got home, my Futurama I ordered from Amazon using the deal arrived so I was still happy. I will probaby post pics soon once I find some unflaterring poses for them. Until then,. ASIA!

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