Sunday, October 17, 2004

Blogging Paper Rough Draft

I am currently writing a paper for Comp on Cyberculture and I chose blogging and, more specifically, why people should blog. I need about 5-6 pages and I have 3 and I've sorta hit a wall. I know there are more ideas, but my brain shrunk. I will put the paper in the comments: feel free to comment any ideas or suggestions whether or not you actually read it.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Have you ever had a thought that you wanted to share with the world? Modern technology has allowed many Internet users to do so with ease by using blogging. Blogging helps people share their thoughts by many means and helps get their thoughts out there easily and fun. Blogging is so easy that I feel, anyone could start a blog.

“Blog” is short for weblog and is basically a website that contains topical information grouped by day. These pieces of information are called posts. Posts can be added at any time and appear in minutes. The main purpose of blogging is to share. The true question is what to share. You can post a journal of daily events, stories, interesting things you find on the web, reviews of movies or music, random blurbs, or, as I put it on my blog, “anything else that falls out of my brain.” When I first heard of blogging, I wanted to do one, but I wasn’t sure of what to put up. When I decided to start one this year, I just put up anything that interested me. I put up quotes, anything fun that happened in my classes, even reminders and photos of Halo LANs. As secretary of the Wayne State Association for Computing Machinery, I also use my blog as a mirror for minutes and reminders for the club.

There are many kinds of blogging programs for different types of blogs. One such example is a moblog, a blog for mobile users. TextAmerica is one of these. TextAmerica sets up a blog for you and gives you an email address that you can use on your camera phone. When you take a picture on your camera phone, you then send it to your TextAmerica email and within minutes, your picture is on the web. This is nice if you want to share your camera phone pictures or have a simple way to download them to a computer.

Another popular blogging program is Xanga. Xanga is more of a commuity website, in that every user gets one blog to post whatever they desire. Many people use Xanga and it employs a simple interface; however, Xanga does not govern what the sites look like with more detail and some Xanga sites can look visually unappealing.

The main blogging program I will discuss is Blogger, due to the fact that I currently use it. Blogger was launched in 1999 as a way to easily upload posts onto the Internet. In 2002, Blogger was purchased by Google and has expanded ever since. Google has also recently purchased photo organization software called Picasa and a photo-sharing program called Hello. Google has now linked these programs to Blogger. Hello is like an instant messenger for pictures, and using the BloggerBot, you can choose any picture from your computer, give it a caption, and it Hello with host your picture on the Internet.

The first thing I like about Blogger is how easy it is to put stuff on there. The first, and most obvious, is at the actual blog. From the site, you simply make a new post. If you have the Google toolbar installed in Internet Explorer, it includes a “BlogThis!” button brandishing the Blogger logo. Whenever you’re browsing the Internet and see a cool site or news or anything, click the button and it opens up a new post dialog with a link to the page you’re on. Blogger also gives you the option of setting up a free email address from which you could send text to and it will post the email when it arrives. Using the aforementioned Hello, you can post pictures without needing other web storage. Yet another way to post is using Audioblogger. This utility gives you a phone number that use can use to call and record a post that will appear as an mp3 file on your blog.

Blogger is easy to use whether you’re a beginner or an expert. You can be a complete novice when it comes to web design thanks to web templates that make professional looking web pages. Blogger also provides numerous customization methods for those obsessive compulsive types, from how dates are displayed to how posts are archived. Blogger also allows access to the template code for those hacker types to try to insert their own code. I have done this personally, from adding in a table of links, to a random quote generator of my favorite sayings, to the appearance of falling leaves down my blog to commemorate autumn.

There are many famous blogs getting attention. Both John Kerry and George W. Bush have official blogs at their campaign sites. Kevin Rose and Sarah Lane, hosts of the show The Screen Savers on G4TechTV have blogs that they use to gather show topics. When TechTV merged with G4, they used their blogs to publish their articles when the official websites were down. The Department of Homeland Security posted on a Lycos blog a position for an Entertainment Liason. The production crew of the movie Spider-Man 2 kept a production blog for readers to find out what’s going on in the making of the movie. Jeopardy had a category not too long ago about blogs. So, in a way, everyone’s doing it.

(Need more info here)