Saturday, April 14, 2007

WillyCon IX: Friday

I am worried about the amount of money I may spend at the Con. I've minimum bidded on some artwork I like and the artists GoH stuff is really neat and inexpensive. ACME brought up The Watchmen and V for Vendetta, both I want along with Munchkin which I have been putting off. So I'm not sure what I will indulge on yet but I'll try to be good.

Yesterday was very interesting for the Con. I was basically signing up for the Halo tournament all day and kept getting people telling me how bad it is and how the rules suck. I came up with a pseudo-system for this. It was chaotic but it had few complainers. Basically the rules could be modified by concensus, a sort of Wikiality. If people didn't like the map we picked, that's fine, just get others on board with the changes. It prevented people from claiming they were losing only because of our stupid rules. I know some didn't like that, but it didn't bother me much because I try to be easy going at WillyCon. I got back to the room at about 2 last night so I did get a godd night's sleep. Yay for day two!

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