Wednesday, January 03, 2007

This is getting annoying

Well, my bronchitis is gone and I'm done with my medicines. So I went back to work yesterday and my nose was just relentless. It kept running and running. My cough also picked up a bit. The doctor said that it is the remnants of the disease and now that it's over, my body needs to get rid of the mucus. He gave me a new syrup that stopped the runny nose, but not the congestion. So I basically destroyed my nose trying to get rid of the snot that won't leave. So I'm not taking that again. I got very little sleep last night and now I have a mild headache combined with my congestion, cough, and runny nose. I am so sick...of being sick. I need a gallon of orange juice or something because my immune system must no longer care. I really want to go do stuff with people but I'm just taking it one day at a time.

Also, I am now aware that I used the wrong tense in my Spanish in the previous illness post. I apologize to any Hispanics I may have offended with my linguistic incompetence!


Marx said...

Was this syrup stuff reddish? I think my mom and I were given this stuff that's supposed to help and I'm weary of taking it in the first place. It sucks, having a sinus infection.

Kevin said...

No, this one is clear, thick, and sticky. I only need to take 1 TSP of it so it's really easy to take, unlike that cherry generic crap that I need 2 TBSP of. Yuck!