Thursday, December 28, 2006

Holiday Awards

OK, I'm going to go over the presents in a fun way.

Most surprised reaction: Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows for PS2. I got this from my mom's side aunt and I was totally not expecting this. They have never picked up PS2 games before and it is very appreciated.

Least surprised reaction: a brown light-weight coat. I opened this and I was taken back. I already have my brown corduroy coat which I like and this just seemed so similar. I'm sure I find a good use for it though.

Most consistent: iTunes gift cards. I love these things and I got two of them.

Most practical: I got a bunch of long-sleeved shirts and nifty ties with black pants for when I can go back to work.

Least practical: Call of Duty 3 for Wii. I love it and I can't wait, but I don't have the system yet.

Neatest gift: a long black wool coat with scarf and leather gloves. So cool.

Belated gift: Nintendo Wii, when I get one, it counts as a Christmas gift.

Funniest gift: a pillow that says "Be Nice or Go Away."

Unfortunate gift: Call of Duty 3 for PS2. I just got the Wii one earlier in the day and my aunt picked it up. I felt bad but I know I could exchange it for Zelda or something.

Gift you wouldn't expect me to love: CD-Rs. I have none of these at all which is surprising.

Gift I wish I got: an electric razor. Mine has its sideburn razor broken so they get long until I go home and nix it.

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