Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for Wii

Between Wii game posts and YouTube videos, I don't post. Seriously, not much is going on at the moment bear with me. Well here's a bit of both.

Anywho, it seems that The Force Unleashed will be coming to the Wii after all. It seemed like they were avoiding it and how cruel to do so. Deny Wii gamers a chance to have a lightsaber other than LEGO Star Wars? Vicious. Well, not to worry, a lot of nerd fantasies will be "unleashed" in the spring. Woo hoo! This campaign is quite the event, tied in with a graphic novel and even a Miniatures set. Interesting.

Read the news here.

1 comment:

Aquastrike said...

Heck yeah! Rock on, Kevin. I'll be getting this for PC the day it comes out.