Saturday, November 13, 2004

Sux City

I lost my virginity today...that is, my Sioux City virginity. I had never been there until today. Kate, Mark, and Mr. Green and I went over to the mall for Cinnabon and then went over to the costume shop for the director's showcase. I was happy, and felt like a kid in a candy sotre with all the costume props. We then went back to the mall and I bought a couple wrist cuffs from Hot Topic and then we found Kate's mom so us guys went to Software, Etc. They have my Battle-Damaged Green Halo action figure that I want purely for the plasma rifle. Mark played Donkey Konga there, too. Then we went to Spencer's a found nothing so went over to the food court and met up with Kate. I also had my first Orange Julius, it was a tripleberry. Then we went to FYE and found nothing and then to Barnes and Noble and once again, found interesting calenders but overall, nothing. After still not going to Toys 'R Us we returned to the good life.

OK, now that I know where the mall is, I will totally be going back there in the future. It's right off the highway so I won't get lost. I'm so happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya Sioux city isnt that interesting, Just think I have lived here four twenty fricken years. It sux butt.

Amie :)